Rendezvous in July

Rendez-vous de juillet

Tuesday, January 15, 2019
4 & 7:30pm
Followed by a wine and beer reception
FIAF Florence Gould Hall

Dir. Jacques Becker, 1949. 112 min. B&W. DCP.
With Daniel Gélin, Brigitte Auber, Nicole Courcel
In French with English subtitles

This social comedy paints an irresistible portrait of the generation of Parisians that came of age in the postwar period, roaming dark Paris streets with a love of jazz and theater, dreams of adventure, and hearts waiting to be broken.

Becker follows the divergent fortunes of two couples of young lovers, and in so doing provides a time capsule of a moment when young people crossed the Seine in decommissioned amphibious vehicles fueled by gas that was bartered for raw meat on the black market and danced to the sound of American musicians letting rip in Left Bank jazz cellars.

Rendezvous, an ensemble portrait of young friends who like to party in jazz clubs on the Left Bank, is superabundant in charm, wit, and soul.” — The New York Times