Animation First presents a selection of student-made documentary shorts marking the tenth anniversary of the partnership between the Angoulême-based EMCA school of animation and CREADOC, a prominent university program dedicated to training future documentary filmmakers.
At times touching and tender, sometimes crude and harsh, these films offer an insightful look at French society.
Digital. In French with English subtitles.
EMCA Shorts
Comme une vrai famille
Dir. Edgar Collin, Camille Halepin, Mathilde Lathière, Paul Wasilewski. 3 min 15 sec.
Culture du vivant
Dir. Patrick Arnault, Ariane Teillet, Clarissa Dorival, Emmeline Barc, 2017. 4 min 25 sec.
Dernier âge
Dir. Charlène Biju, Alice Lahourcade, Isis Leterrier, Thibaud Llonch, Linxi Zhang, 2017. 4 min 25 sec.
De silence et de bruit
Dir. Anne Escot, Claire Messager, Romane Pauvert, Gaëlle Roques, 2017. 5 min 18 sec.
Ici cet ailleurs
Dir. Alexandre Arnold, Pierre Cassel, Corentin Cholley, Noémie Gauthier, 2017. 4 min. 25 sec.
Itineraire Bis
Dir. Clémentine Lathelier, Naomi Birot, Lorédane Chun Hung Kee, 2017. 4 min 54 sec.
Le leveur de maux
Dir. William Gloria, Hugo Malezieux, Adèle Le Gouvello, Tommy Tahir, 2017. 4 min 48 sec.
Dir. Louise Grébaut, Laurine Kotte, Gautier Paille, Robin Val, 2017. 4 min 39 sec.
Dir. Nicolas Mayeux, Clémentine Campos, Manuel Morvant, 2016. 4 min 54 sec.
MIYU Production Shorts
Haenyo, les femmes de la mer
Dir. Eloïc Gimenez. 5 min 15 sec.
Dir. Carlos Gomez Salamanca. 8 min 5 sec.
One After the Other
Dir. Nicolas Pégon. 12 min 56 sec.