The First Image (L’image originelle) is a documentary series by Pierre-Henri Gibert detailing the formative experiences of master filmmakers making their first films, and how that experience influenced their subsequent work. This first series on Masters of Cinema includes Michel Ocelot, Olivier Assayas, Xavier Dolan, David Lynch, and Lars von Trier. Pierre-Henri Gibert returns to the sources of inspiration of these great filmmakers through a long interview, beautifully mixed with film excerpts, starting from their first opus, their founding work.
Animation First will present an extract from the series featuring Michel Ocelot discussing his process while making his first feature film, Kirikou and the Sorceress. The film marked a turning point in the animation industry when it was released in 1998.
26 mins.
In French with English subtitles.
This clip will loop throughout the weekend.